I write this post as I’m receiving text updates from Doug while Nicole & him are at the hospital, & she is in active labor! I am so excited to be an aunt & meet my nephew! But I am a little more excited to watch Nicole become a mom. She has never been given the “easy way out” in anything in life, so trying to get pregnant was no exception. Her & Doug had a successful IVF journey and I could not be more proud of her for all of the strength she’s had to go through that & her pregnancy. A quote I found that fits them perfectly is “I admire people who choose to shine, even after all of the storms they’ve been through”.
Again, prime example of how nothing usually goes the way she hopes for – but everything will be worth it in the end when she can hold her little man in her arms! I cannot thank her enough for giving our family this opportunity to experience this next chapter in life & everyone knows I am going to cry my eyes out for the first month of his life every time I look at my little nephew.
Longwood Gardens was a beautiful backdrop for Nicole & Doug’s maternity photos. From the bright buildings covered in greenery to the romantic lush gardens, we loved strolling around the park with these soon to the parents!
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